University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata is organizing it’s very own techno-management festival “URECKON”. A seed
which was planted in 2018 has already turned into a steady success with it’s roots buried deep into the tradition of
excellence upheld by the University. Every year, we aim to make it Bigger and Better. Students and tech enthusiasts from
various parts of the world are wholeheartedly invited to be a part of this budding Techno-Management fest, not only to
show case their talents but also considering it as a field to learn something new.
Several indigenous models are put up on exhibition. There are several events based on Robotics, Coding, B-plan, Quizzes
Guest lectures, Tech talks as exciting gaming events with lucrative prizes to be won. Besides, there are events focused
on school students too. These events would not only ensure that students are learning from gathering experiences but
will also allow them to have an exposure for themselves which is quite beneficial.
URECKON is an excellent platform for young minds to perform and excel in fields of not only technology but in business
too. Exciting events along with exciting prizes to be won. So fasten up your shoe laces and buckle up your belt to
attend URECKON because this year it will be bigger and better!